while i was there, i was contemplating what the most relaxing thing a person can do is. i decided that whatever, it is, i want to do it on every vacation to get the most relaxation value for my time. i suppose the answer is different for every person. for me, it's a relaxing bath. so that's exactly what i did when we got home! worked like a charm. in this current time and american society, completely relaxing is difficult for us. i know when i try to relax by reading on the couch i
- feel guilty for not doing some sort of housework. there is a glass in the sink that needs to be washed!
- grab my phone and check facebook. for what? am i expecting important news? no, just cause.
- get up and do something else. something that requires using my hands. my attention span is so short, i can't even sit and relax by doing nothing.
i know i am totally overstimulated, and i'm trying to work on that because i know that's part of my issue. i just need to let go and surrender! why is it so hard?!
so, what makes you relax?