Wednesday, March 14, 2012

New Adventures

Lots of new changes going on around here...

1. I am coming back to blogging!
2. I am not going to interior design school. Long story short, I don't want that career anymore. I  have different goals now and I'm happy
3. While I am back to blogging, I will mostly  be "vlogging"! I'll post my videos here and on my youtube channel. follow me!
4. I'm doing something I've wanted to do for a while- make videos of things I do like I'm teaching you how to do them too! Like my own variety show. woot! It shall be a fun adventure. 

It's nice to know the world still revolves even when we drop out of it for a while. It teaches us that we can go on from anything. That we can pick up where we left off and not have to feel like a failure. 
Thanks for reading!

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